DEMI LOVATO, TATOOS AND A TOILET By: Nikki (Our Celebrity Reporter) Thank god for Twitter and social media. They allow celebrities to give non-celebrity people a claim to fame. All the non-celebrity person has to do is trash a celebrity and a celebrity response stupidly comes back creating instant fame for the trasher. Demi Lovato has done this for an unknown and ugly tattoo artist, Ashley McMullen. Ashley did a crappy tattoo on Demi when Demi was drunk and 18. Ashley is apparently in need of clients so she trashed Demi on Twitter for Demi not acknowledging her tattoo of four years ago. Demi responded and later thought better and took her response down. We are now privileged to know that during this tattoo time of four years ago, that Demi peed all over the toilet. This is such good news and definitely is needed on social media. Shutting up is such a good policy.